Simple steps
Step 1: Go to the product page of the item you wish to order. If applicable, select and choose the quantity to be added to your shopping cart.
Step 2: Click the “Add to cart” button. In the pop-up that comes up, you can change the chosen variety and quantity if necessary. Click the “upgrade cart” button if you want to continue browsing. If you’re ready to order, click the “proceed to checkout” button.
Step 3: On the Shopping Cart page, you can verify if your cart contains the correct products in the correct quantities. It’s also possible to change the quantity and/or remove items from your cart. Click “upgrade cart” if you want to go back to the web shop to add more items to your cart. Click “proceed to checkout” to continue with the ordering process.
Ending steps
Step 4: Choose to fill in either a billing address or Ship to a different address.
Step 5: Choose your payment method.
Step 6: Choose your payment method.
Step 7: A final summary of your checkout is now displayed, now you can cross check to see if your information given are correct. If correct, you click “Place order”. You’ll also receive an email with order confirmation including a payment details for your preferred method of payment.